Metadata and Freedom

Metadata is Important

The NSA uses communications metadata for intelligence, but big tech also records it for “Business Intelligence”, imagine how this information being sold in an open market can affect you.

When it comes to telephone calls, nobody is listening to your telephone calls.” Instead, the government was just “sifting through this so-called metadata.

Barack Obama

The Director of National Intelligence made a similar declaration.

The program does not allow the Government to listen in on anyone’s phone calls. The information acquired does not include the content of any communications or the identity of any subscriber.

James Clapper

In the opinion of Kurt Opsahl
Electronic Frontier Foundation.

What they are trying to say is that disclosure of metadata—the details about phone calls, without the actual voice—isn’t a big deal, not something for Americans to get upset about if the government knows. Let’s take a closer look at what they are saying:

They know you rang a phone sex service at 2:24 am and spoke for 18 minutes. But they don't know what you talked about.

They know you called the suicide prevention hotline from the Golden Gate Bridge. But the topic of the call remains a secret.

They know you spoke with an HIV testing service, then your doctor, then your health insurance company in the same hour. But they don't know what was discussed.

They know you received a call from the local NRA office while it was having a campaign against gun legislation, and then called your senators and congressional representatives immediately after. But the content of those calls remains safe from government intrusion.

They know you called a gynecologist, spoke for a half hour, and then called the local Planned Parenthood's number later that day. But nobody knows what you spoke about.

Sorry, your phone records—oops, “so-called metadata”—can reveal a lot more about the content of your calls than the government is implying. Metadata provides enough context to know some of the most intimate details of your lives.

Government and Big Tech give no assurances that this data will never be correlated with other easily obtained data.,_by_John_Trumbull


The idea that monopolies are consequences of a free market is an economic fallacy that was promoted by Karl Marx and is still widely accepted today.
With free markets (laissez-faire) there would be no laws to prevent businesses to enter into any industry. By definition, coercive monopolies can only form under statism, i.e., through government intervention into the economy by: special franchises, licenses, subsidies, and legislative actions, which provide privileges to specific organizations, individuals or groups. [1]

In the United States, utility companies have been granted a franchise for exclusive distribution of electricity over specific territories. [2]
PanAm airlines used political influence to prevent competition.[3]
In 1913, the American Bell Telephone Company was granted a government sanctioned monopoly. [4]
In the United States, AT&T functioned as a government-granted monopoly from 1913 until 1984.

The viciousness of the antitrust laws.

Under antitrust, no businessman can objectively comply with the law. For example, if a businessman charges prices higher than his competitors, he can be tried for “price-gouging” or “intent to monopolize.” If he charges the same price as his competitors, he can be tried for “collusion.” If he charges less than his competitor, he can be tried for “unfair competition.” [5]

No private enterprise can establish a coercive monopoly, because it is precisely the freedom of the market that would break it up. In the 19th Century attempts were made to corner the market in various commodities and, invariably they ended with the failure and the bankruptcy of the man who had attempted to establish a private monopoly.
A coercive monopoly can be established only by law. That is by means of a special government privilege granted to one producer or one company.
If you look into their history, both in the USA and in Europe, you will find that there has never been a coercive monopoly that had been created by collusion or conspiracy of free enterprises on the free market. It has always been created by an act of government.

Ayn Rand

The sources of almost all monopolies and oligopolies are direct and indirect government intervention.
The only law that you would need to reduce the extent of monopoly is to guarantee free trade.

Milton Friedman

The doctrine of “social responsibility”, that corporations should care about the community and not just profit, is highly subversive to the capitalist system and can only lead towards totalitarianism. [6]

FEE Foundation for Economic Education
Clichés of Progressivism #41 – “Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company Proved That We Needed Anti-Trust Laws to Fight Such Market Monopolies”


[1] Nathaniel Branden, The Vision of Ayn Rand, p.375
[5] Ayn Rand, Capitalism The Unknown Ideal

Think Different

Walter Isaacson, in his authorized biography Steve Jobs untruthfully attributed the Crazy Ones script to Steve Jobs himself.

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

Rob Siltanen

This script was part of the Think Different campaign 1997-2002. The slogan Think Different was created by Craig Tanimoto, an art director at Chiat\Day. The full text of the various versions of this script were written by creative director Rob Siltanen and copywriter Ken Segall, along with input from many on the team at the agency and at Apple.

While Jobs initially called the Crazy Ones script shit, and was blatantly harsh on the commercial, he thought the creative concept was brilliant, and then changed his mind.
Steve was highly involved with the advertising and every facet of Apple’s business. But he was far from the mastermind behind the renowned launch spot.. Steve Jobs didn’t create the advertising concepts.

Rob Siltanen
By Apple logo Think Different.png : derivative work: Stoopkitty (talk) 19:55, 31 January 2011 (UTC) – Apple logo Think Different.png
Public Domain.

Abraham Lincoln, The Great Centralizer

A more appropriate title for Abraham Lincoln is not The Great Emancipator but The Great Centralizer.

In the eyes of many Americans, Lincoln is the most important american political figure because the War between the States so fundamentally transformed the nature of American government.

Lincoln thought of himself as the heir to the Hamiltonian political tradition, which sought a much more centralized government, one that would plan economic development with corporate subsidies, financed by protectionist tariffs and printing the money by the central government.

This agenda achieved little political success during the first seventy years of the nation’s existence, but was fully implemented during the first two years of the Lincoln administration.

Before the War, government in America was limited, highly decentralized, and worked for the defense of individual liberties. The War created the highly centralized state Americans labor under today.

The Constitution stood in the way of Lincoln’s political ambitions. Lincoln’s illegal acts are precedents that did irreparable harm to constitutional liberty in America:

  1. He launched a military invasion without the consent of congress.
  2. Suspended Habeas Corpus; imprisoning thousands of northern citizens without trial for merely opposing his policies.
  3. Censored all telegraph communication.
  4. Imprisoned dozens of opposition newspaper publishers.
  5. Nationalized railroads.
  6. Used federal troops to interfere with elections.
  7. Confiscated firearms.
  8. Deported an opposition member of congress, Clement L. Villandigham after he opposed Lincoln’s tax proposal.
  9. Destroyed the idea of the Union as a voluntary association of states.

Lincoln was not a champion of equality

  1. Between 1854 and 1860 On at least fourteen occasions Lincoln said unambiguously that he believed that the negro race was inferior to the white race.
  2. Lincoln was a lawyer who in 23 years of litigation never defended a runaway slave, but defended slaveowners.
  3. Lincoln met in the White House with freed black leaders and implored them to lead a colonization movement back to africa, and developed plans to send every last black person to Africa, Haiti, and Central America.
  4. In his famous Cooper Union speech of 1860, he advocated the peaceful deportation of blacks.

Dozens of countries ended slavery peacefully during the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries but only the United States had warfare associated with emancipation. There was violence during the abolition in some other countries as Colombia and Venezuela, where the emancipation became an instrument of the revolutionaries who sought state power.

In virtually every other country there was some form of compensated emancipation, the cost of the War between states was approximately $6.6 billion the North’s share would have been more than enough to purchase the freedom of every slave (and give each one 40 acres of land and a mule).

Lincoln was a Mercantilist

Lincoln sugarcoated the centralization of governmental power by repeatedly referring to it as “Saving the Union” to install his combination of policies known as Mercantilism.

Mercantilism as defined by economist Murray Rothbard is:

A system of statism which employed economic fallacy; Special subsidies, monopolistic privilege, protectionist tariffs, to privilege groups favored by the state.

Consumers pay higher prices because of reduced competition and fewer choices.

National banking is part of the mercantilist agenda, if government simply print paper money in order to finance subsidies, the economic cost becomes the inflation.

It was mercantilism, the very system that Adam Smith railed against in his epic defense of capitalism, “The Wealth of Nations”

Karl Marx himself wrote Lincoln in 1964:

Sir: We congratulate the American people upon your re-election by a large majority.


Get all the details of the real Lincoln in this two books by Thomas J. DiLorenzo.:

The Real Lincoln, A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda and an Unnecessary War.

Lincoln Unmasked: What You’re Not Supposed to Know About Dishonest Abe


Jefferson Vs Hamilton

In the 1790’s the Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson, and the Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton were the first political parties in the Western world.

Unlike loose political groupings in the British House of Commons or in the American colonies before the Revolution, both had reasonably consistent and principled platforms, relatively stable popular followings, and continuing organizations.

Their conflict was about the nature of the federal government. Should the central government be dominant or the state’s government. This are their basic views:

Hamilton and the federalists believed in a strong central government.
Jefferson and the republicans believed in states rights and a limited central government.

Hamilton and the federalists feared anarchy.
Jefferson and the republicans feared tyrannical government.

Hamilton and the federalists believed in loose, elastic  interpretable construction of the constitution that errs on the side of giving powers to the central government.
Jefferson and the republicans believed in a strict construction of the constitution where the constitution expressly enumerated all the powers belonging to the federal government and reserved all other powers to the states.

Support base
Hamilton and the federalists support base was urban.
Jefferson and the republicans support base was rural.

Government involvement in economy
Hamilton and the federalists believed that the government SHOULD be involved in the economy to help with economic development, the central government will be the hand ruling the economy.
Jefferson and the republicans believed that the government SHOULD NOT be involved in the economy (laissez Faire) they believed in Adam Smith’s invisible hand ruling the economy.

National Bank
Hamilton and the federalists: YES 
Jefferson and the republicans: NO

Hamilton and the federalists believed in tariffs to protect local manufacturers.
Jefferson and the republicans believed in eliminating tariffs to get cheaper goods.

Federal assumption of state war debts. 
Hamilton and the federalists believed in centralizing the debt.
Jefferson and the republicans believed in keeping the debt separated since some states had already paid theirs (Virginia, etc…)

Foreign policy
Hamilton and the federalists were anglophiles.
Jefferson and the republicans were francophiles (supported french revolution).